The Invitation from the founder of Embodied Imagination®

Robert Bosnak, IAAP PsyA.

Conference Objective

Embodied Imagination® (EI), developed by Robert Bosnak, a seasoned international Jungian analyst, over the past nearly 50 years, is an original method that applies dreams, bodily symptoms, early memories, and creative imagination to psychotherapy, trauma experiences, medical health, artistic creation, AI technology, and dream research. The 2024 International Embodied Imagination® Conference will be held in Taiwan. The conference aims to showcase the dialogue and interdisciplinary applications of Embodied Imagination® among multiple professionals.

Conference Dates / Venue

Date :

July 31, 2024 to August 4, 2024

(Hybrid: online + in-person)

Venue :

National Changhua University of Education, Jinde Campus

(Address: No.1, Jinde Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County 50007, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


International Society for Embodied Imagination®(ISEI)、

National Changhua University of Education (NCUE)


College of Education, NCUE; Department of Counseling and Guidance, NCUE; Community Counseling & Human Development Service Center, NCUE; Office of International and Cross-strait Affair, NCUE; Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation, NCUE; MOE-funded Artificial Intelligence Technology and Application Field Course Project; Taiwan Society of Analytical Psychology (TSAP); Taiwan Expressive-Creative Arts Therapies Association; Mind-Body Interface Laboratory., China Medical University (continuously updated)

Conference Programme

Online and in-person hybrid format,

(1) 2-days Pre-workshop (July 31 to August 1): will be led by Robert Bosnak, an international Jungian analyst certified by the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), teaching "Alchemical Psychology," a Jungian archetype-oriented approach for the first time in Taiwan;

(2) 3-days conference (August 2 to August 4): The main focus on psychotherapy, planning a three-day conference on Embodied Imagination® and its interdisciplinary applications, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Arts, and Medicine.

Pre-Workshop: Alchemical Psychology

July 31-Aug.1, 2024

Robert Bosnak

The creative imagination is like an organism and dreaming is its most realistic embodiment. C.G. ​Jung found that this organism goes through identifiable processes of transmutation that are ​parallel to the alchemical imagery described by alchemists at a time when creative imagination ​and physical reality were still completely intermingled. This was the time in Europe before the ​17th century when science began to separate subjective from objective reality. Because 15th ​century alchemists appeared to be unaware of this intermingled subject/object state in the way ​we currently view the world, the unconscious imagination was understood as to be embodied as ​states of matter.

By taking this alchemical imagination as the backdrop against which to view the unconscious ​processes manifest in dreaming, C.G. Jung and James Hillman were able to move away from ​contemporary models of psychological understanding such as healing, growth and cure to a ​background that puts our entire era in a different perspective. They had stumbled upon the ​continuous embodiment processes of Soul as an organism, the medium through which we ​experience the world around us. The result of this discovery in the world of psychoanalysis has ​led to ways in which psychotherapy and creative activity can lead to an essential increase in ​physical vitality and the feeling of being vividly and truly alive.

James Hillman was Robert Bosnak’s training analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in the ​1970s and Hillman’s work on Archetypal Psychology and Alchemical Psychology was expanded ​by Bosnak with a primary focus on the body as the living vessel for alchemical transmutation. ​Bosnak's method is called Embodied Imagination.

In this workshop Bosnak will elucidate the color scheme in ​alchemy as a chromatic manifestation of the refinement of the ​subtle body, a state of being that is both psyche AND body. He will ​describe how innocent green decays into rotten black from which ​emerges a shimmering of new impulses and the blues of sadness ​and loss, leading to the light-blue heavenly spark of a new ​momentum that travels through a silver reflective mirror to ​yellowing into fermentation in the physical body, concluding in a ​red burst of creative action.

And now imagine all of this happening not linearly but ​simultaneously! During this workshop Bosnak will work with ​dream material presented by participants.

Book Introduction:Alchemical Psychology combines all of ​Hillman’s papers on the alchemical imagination from 1980 to the ​present. Hillman called the early attempt to present his way of ​grasping this material, in the 1960s at the C. G. Jung Institute in ​Zurich, “Alchemical Opus / Analytical Work.” His intention then as ​now is to give psychoanalysis another method for imagining its ​ideas and procedures by showing how alchemy bears directly on ​psychological life, more clinically immediate and less spiritually ​progressivist.


Workshop lecturer:Robert Bosnak

Robert Bosnak, PsyA is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in ​Zurich in 1977. Past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, he ​developed the Embodied Imagination® method that is being applied by practitioners worldwide ​in therapeutic and creative endeavors. He is co-founder of Attune Media Labs, PBC, producing ​empathic artificial emotional intelligence as virtual companions. Author of 10 books of non-​fiction and fiction translated into a variety of languages, Bosnak is faculty of the psychiatry ​department of the SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY.

Workshop Introduction:

James Hillman was a past master of alchemical psychology. This field uses metaphors derived ​from ancient alchemy to elucidate deep structures in the creative imagination. We tend to ​forget that creative processes are not random. Imagination embodies along lines that become ​apparent when we ponder the frequently incomprehensible images of alchemy.

The book, Alchemical Psychology, covers a lifetime of studies and is quite difficult to read by ​someone who is not deeply steeped in alchemy, the work of C.G. Jung or James Hillman. Robert ​Bosnak has studied these thinkers for well over 40 years.

James Hillman was the primary training analyst of Robert Bosnak, who developed the field of ​embodied imagination: the way in which images can be felt in the body and shape our ​embodied condition.

The workshop goes through the major contents of Alchemical Psychology. For those who have ​tasted these mysteries, there is no way back. One is haunted by them for life. It was so with ​Jung, Hillman, and with Bosnak as well. It will happen to you if you’re open to it.

2024 Embodied Imagination®: Emergence, International Conference of Dialogue with

Embodied Imagination® Among Multiple Professionals Pre-Workshop

Jungian Archetypal Psychology: Alchemical Psychology Workshop

Beginner (31st July)

Advanced (1st August)


Archetypal Psychology and Alchemy

The Color Phase Transitions of

Alchemical Psychology




The Transformative Journey of

Alchemical Psychology

Practical Applications of

Alchemical Psychology

Contents of Alchemical Psychology

  • Chapter 1: The Therapeutic Value of Alchemical Language: A Heated Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Rudiments
  • Chapter 3: The Suffering of Salt
  • Chapter 4: The Seduction of Black
  • Chapter 5: Alchemical Blue and the Union Mentalis
  • Chapter 6: Silver and the White Earth
  • Chapter 7: The Yellowing of the Work
  • Chapter 8: Concerning the Stone: Alchemical Images of the Goal
  • Chapter 9: The imagination of Air and the Collapse of Alchemy
  • Chapter 10: the Azure Vault: Caelum as Experience

Conference Agenda

2024 Embodied Imagination®: Emergence, International Conference of Dialogue with

Embodied Imagination® Among Multiple Professionals Pre-Workshop

Jungian Archetypal Psychology: Alchemical Psychology Workshop

Beginner (31st July)

Advanced (1st August)


Archetypal Psychology and Alchemy

The Color Phase Transitions of

Alchemical Psychology




The Transformative Journey of

Alchemical Psychology

Practical Applications of

Alchemical Psychology

2024 Embodied Imagination®: Emergence, International Conference of Dialogue with

Embodied Imagination® Among Multiple Professionals

Psychotherapy Experience

AI and EI

Arts and EI

Medicine and EI

Day 1 (2nd August)

Day 2 (3rd August)

Day 3 (4th August)




Welcome and Opening




1st Keynote

Generative AI

Hallucination, Dreaming,

Large Language Models(LLM)

2nd Keynote

EI & Collective Trauma

Attack of September 11, the March 11 ​Tohoku Tsunami in Japan, the Global ​COVID-19 Pandemic, and the April 3 ​Hualien Earthquake in Taiwan

3rd Keynote

Body Philosophy

1st Speaker Dialogue

Generative AI and EI

2nd Speaker Dialogue

Psychotherapy and EI

3rd Speaker Dialogue

Psychosomatic Medicine and EI


Coffee/Tea Break


Dreams and Body Symptoms:

5-8 EI experiential groups

(In-person + Online)

Dreams and Body Symptoms:

5-8 EI experiential groups

(In-person + Online)

Dreams and Body Symptoms:

5-8 EI experiential groups

(In-person + Online)


Lunch (included)

Poster Presentation


Panel Discussion A

Generative AI Emotional Companion ​System and Text Emotion Recognition

Panel Discussion B

Movies, Theatre, Acting and EI

Panel Discussion C

Acupuncture and EI


Tea Break Gathering


Oral Presentation

Oral Presentation

Panel Discussion D

Neuroscience and EI


Dinner (not included)


Reflection/Closing Session


Welcome Party

(light snacks and drinks included)

Day 1 August 2, 2024 (Friday)

2024 Embodied Imagination®: Emergence, International Conference of Dialogue with

Embodied Imagination® Among Multiple Professionals


Psychotherapy Experience

AI and EI






Welcome and Openin


1st Keynote

Generative AI

Hallucination, Dreaming,

Large Language Models(LLM)

Keynote Speaker:

Robert Bosnak

(International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) ​Jungian Analyst; Founder of Embodied Imagination®)

1st Speaker Dialogue

Generative AI and EI


Chen, Yi-Shin

(Professor in the Department of Information

Engineering at NTHU)


Coffee/Tea Break


Dreams and Body Symptoms:

5-8 EI experiential groups

(In-person + Online)

International Society for

Embodied Imagination® Certified Faculty

(See Faculty Introduction)


Lunch (included)

Poster Presentation


Panel Discussion A

Generative AI Emotional Companion System

and Text Emotion Recognition


Robert Bosnak

(Attune Media Labs Founder and President)

Lynia Huang

(Bamboo Technology Founder and CEO)

Chen, Yi-Shin

(Professor in the Department of Information

Engineering at NTHU)


Chen, Shu-Chuan

(Assistant Professor at

the Tainan College of Nursing)


Tea Break Gathering


Oral Presentation

(The thesis presentation schedule will be announced on ​July 15th)


Dinner(not included)


Welcome Party

(light snacks and drinks included)

Day 2 August 3, 2024 (Saturday)

2024 Embodied Imagination®: Emergence, International Conference of Dialogue with

Embodied Imagination® Among Multiple Professionals


Psychotherapy Experience

Arts and EI








2nd Keynote

EI & Collective Trauma

Attack of September 11, the March 11 Tohoku ​Tsunami in Japan, the Global COVID-19 ​Pandemic, and the April 3 Hualien Earthquake ​in Taiwan

Leynote Speakers:

Robert Bosnak

(International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) ​Jungian Analyst; Founder of Embodied Imagination®)

Kazuko Ikuno

(Senior supervisor of International Society for Embodied ​Imagination®)

2nd Speaker Dialogue

Psychotherapy and EI


Machiel Klerk

(Jung Platform Founder and CEO)


Coffee/Tea Break


Dreams and Body Symptoms:

5-8 EI experiential groups

(In-person + Online)

International Society for

Embodied Imagination® Certified Faculty

(See Faculty Introduction)


Lunch (included)

Poster Presentation


Panel Discussion B

Movies, Theatre, Acting and EI


Per Nordin

(Current Chairperson of International Society for Embodied ​Imagination®)

Janet Sonenberg

(Professor of Theater Arts at MIT)

Kim Gillingham

(Actor Trainer and Dreamworker)

Maeve Dermody

(Australian Actress; Practitioner of International Society ​for Embodied Imagination® )


Robert Bosnak

(International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) ​Jungian Analyst; Founder of Embodied Imagination®)


Tea Break Gathering


Oral Presentation

(The thesis presentation schedule will be announced on ​July 15th)

Day 1 August 4, 2024 (Sunday)

2024 Embodied Imagination®: Emergence, International Conference of Dialogue with

Embodied Imagination® Among Multiple Professionals


Psychotherapy Experience

Medicine and EI








3rd Keynote

Body Philosophy

Keynote Speaker:

Yang, Rur-Bin

(Academician of Academia Sinica)

3rd Speaker Dialogue

Psychosomatic Medicine and EI


Wang, Hao-Wei

(International Association for Analytical Psychology, IAAP ​Jungian Analyst; President of Taiwan Society of Analytical ​Psychology, TSAP)


Robert Bosnak

(International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) ​Jungian Analyst; Founder of Embodied Imagination®)


Coffee/Tea Break


Dreams and Body Symptoms:

5-8 EI experiential groups

(In-person + Online)

International Society for

Embodied Imagination® Certified Faculty

(See Faculty Introduction)


Lunch (included)

Poster Presentation


Panel Discussion C

Acupuncture and EI



(A pioneer in Five-Season and Six-Climate theory and I-​Ching acupuncture in Taiwan)

Robert Bosnak

(International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) ​Jungian Analyst; Founder of Embodied Imagination®)

Research presenter:

Kan Chen

(International Society for Embodied Imagination® Certified ​Therapist)


Kenji Uzuki

(International Society for Embodied Imagination® Certified ​Therapist)


Tea Break Gathering


Panel Discussion D

Neuroscience and EI


Jason Lulejian


Assistant Director of Valera Health )


Tsai, Pei-Shu

( Professor and director at the Graduate Institute of ​Translation and Interpretation and the Graduate Institute ​of Technology and Adolescent English at NCUE)


Reflection/Closing Session

Conference Registration / Fees

Online registration is open from now

until July 15, 2024

Jungian Archetypal Psychology: Alchemical Psychology Workshop



( Sign up for one day only for 7/31 beginner workshop)

1-Day Workshop

(7/31, 6H)

2-Day Workshop

(7/31 & 8/1, 12H)





Member or Students



Three People, Three Days Group Discount

(No restrictions on identity combination)

$114/per person

$144/per person

$341/per group

$432/per group

3-Day Conference (8/2-8/4)


$195 (original price $233)

Members or Students

$175 (original price $187)

Group Discount

(No restrictions on identity combination)

Pay for three participants and get two free 【for a total of 5 participants】

$95/per person (original price $187)

$475/per group (original price $562)

1-Day Conference

All members-

One-day Conference


Conference Contact Information

Conference Transportation Informatio

During the conference period from July 31 to August 4, complimentary shuttle bus service will be provided between Taichung High Speed Rail Station, Windsor Hotel Taichung, and National Changhua University of Education Jinde Campus. One morning and one evening shuttle bus will be provided each day. The exact shuttle bus schedule will be announced before the conference.

The registration fees for this conference do not include accommodation. However, special hotel discounts and reservation services will be provided. Participants are responsible for contacting the hotel directly for reservations and related services. If you need assistance, please contact the conference.

Call for Papers

The International Society for Embodied Imagination®(ISEI)、 Department of Counseling and Guidance, National Changhua University of Education (NCUE) are pleased to announce the "2024 Embodied Imagination®: Emergence, International Conference of Dialogue with Embodied Imagination® Among Multiple Professionals" to be held from August 2 to August 4, 2024. The conference theme is Embodied Imagination® and its interdisciplinary applications, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Arts, and Medicine. We welcome scholars and practitioners from related fields, as well as master's and doctoral students from related departments and programs, to submit oral and poster presentations.

Conference Theme (Limited to one submission per person): Embodied Imagination® (EI), developed by Robert Bosnak, a seasoned international Jungian analyst, over the past nearly 50 years, is an original method that applies dreams, bodily symptoms, early memories, and creative imagination to psychotherapy, trauma experiences, medical health, artistic creation, AI technology, and dream research. We welcome submissions for presentations that relate to the following themes of the conference and the aforementioned areas where Imagery Embodiment can be applied:

    1. Psychotherapy & Embodied Imagination® (Psychotherapy & EI)
    2. Artificial Intelligence & Embodied Imagination® (AI & EI)
    3. Arts & Embodied Imagination® (Arts & EI)
    4. Medicine & Embodied Imagination® (Medicine & EI)

Important Schedule for paper


Important Schedule

Instructions and Precautions

Submission Deadline of Chinese and English Abstracts

From now until

June 30, 2024,

at 23:39

  1. The Chinese abstract should be between 600-1000 characters, and the English abstract should be between 400-600 words(submit either a Chinese or English abstract, or both).
  2. See Attachment I for abstract format.

Announcement of Abstract Review Results

July 12, 2024

  1. Announced on the registration website and the websites of our school and the joint office.
  2. Acceptance will be notified to the authors via email.

Deadline for Submission of Full Papers of Oral Presentations and Updated Poster Abstracts

July 22, 2024

Instructions for Full Oral Paper Presentation:

  1. Limit of 6-10 pages, to be sent via email. See Attachment II for the full paper format.
  2. File name: Name of the first author or corresponding author followed by the paper title, for example: Chen Xiaoming_​​Application of Embodied Imagination® in Dance Classes.
  3. Please attach a copyright authorization form, see Attachment III.

Instructions for Poster Presentation:

  1. Update the poster abstract and send via email.
  2. File name: Name of the first author or corresponding author followed by the paper title, for example: Chen Xiaoming_​​Application of Embodied Imagination® in Dance Classes.
  3. Please attach a copyright authorization form, see Attachment III.

Announcement of the Conference Paper Presentation Agenda

July 15, 2024

Individual Presentation Time:

  1. Oral presentation time: 15 minutes
  2. Commentary time: 10 minutes
  3. Q&A time: 5 minutes
  4. On the day of the conference, presenters should bring their own USB and test it during the break.

Conference Registration

From now until

June 15, 2024

Important Notes for Presenters:

  1. Registration: All presenters are required to register for the conference. The registration deadline is June 30, 2024.
  2. Attendance: Presenters are expected to attend their scheduled presentations either in person or virtually. If you are unable to attend, please notify the organizers as soon as possible via email or phone.
  3. Presentation Certificate: Presenters who successfully complete their presentations will be issued a Certificate of Presentation after the conference.

Copyright Authorization: Presenters are required to sign and return a Copyright Authorization Form. Failure to do so may result in the organizers withholding acceptance of the paper.

Conference-related Certifications


August 31, 2024

  1. Certificate of Participation: Attendees who participate throughout the entire conference will receive an electronic certificate of participation after the event.
  2. Presentation Certificate: Presenters who complete an oral or poster presentation will receive an electronic presentation certificate after the event.
  3. Conference Proceedings: The lectures, theme forums, and paper presentations at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings, which are expected to be compiled by the end of 2024. Registrants will receive an electronic file of the proceedings, while non-registrants will need to purchase the proceedings separately.
  4. All certificates will be sent to the registrants’ email addresses via electronic mail.

Attachment I

Attachment 2

Attachment 3